Guest webinar: CoronaWhy Knowledge Graph - 1st September 2020
Guest webinar on Tuesday 1st of September 16:00 CEST
CoronaWhy ( is a globally distributed, volunteer-powered research organisation, trying to assist the medical community’s ability to answer key questions related to COVID-19. Currently at over 1300 volunteers, CoronaWhy is composed of data scientists, doctors, epidemiologists, students, and various subject matter experts on everything from technology and engineering to communications and program management.
CoronaWhy teams are working collaboratively on the different COVID-19 related research questions and using Natural Language Processing to find various types of entities in CORD-19 (a collection of coronavirus related publications), analyze it with Artificial Intelligence, and get all entities linked in a Knowledge Graph. In this webinar, you will learn more about the CoronaWhy community, collaborative intelligence and usage of Linked Data for the building integration layers between datasets produced by human experts and existing machine learning algorithms.
About the speaker
Slava Tykhonov is a Senior Information Scientist at the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS-KNAW), an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and Dutch funding organization NWO. He is leading the development of the CoronaWhy Common Research and Data Infrastructure and facilitating a global scientific COVID-19 related collaboration between research centres, universities and pharmaceutical industry.